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Make an impact from the comfort of your own home.

Our online volunteer opportunities allow you to contribute from anywhere in the world, whether through helping with social media, fundraising, graphic design, research, or more. Every role supports vital conservation efforts, making a difference in the lives of vulnerable wildlife and the communities that care for them. Join us today and help create a future where nature thrives.

Young Designer
Volunteer Group


We often need to prepare marketing materials and brochures for our donors and sponsors. We would love great designed templates that we can use as a base for such purposes.


Require Skills: English (Spelling & Grammar) & creativity

Estimated Duration: 5-10 hours

Experience Level: Low

Equipment Needed: Laptop/Computer, Microsoft Office and internet access.


There are various funding opportunities for non-profits like our beneficiaries through the form of Crowdfunding, but they do not always have the time to draft, create, launch and manage their campaigns. Volunteers will be given all the information they need to help bring in the funds.


Require Skills: English (Spelling & Grammar)

Estimated Duration: 5-10 hours

Experience Level: Low

Equipment Needed: Laptop/Computer, Microsoft Office and reliable internet access.

Taking Notes
Tablet Design


One of the main sources of funding for nonprofit organisations is a result of grant funding. In order to be eligible for funding grants and application or proposal must first be submitted for consideration. It can be a lengthy, but rewarding process when the application is successful. Contact us today to find out more.


Require Skills: English (Spelling & Grammar)

Estimated Duration: 10-15 hours

Experience Level: Intermediate

Equipment Needed: Laptop/Computer, Microsoft Office and reliable internet access.


Organisations often need their ideas put "down on paper" in order for it to become a reality. From graphic design to artistic renderings. We need your help! 


Require Skills: Creativity & Design​

Estimated Duration: 10-15 hours

Experience Level: Intermediate

Equipment Needed: Laptop/Computer, Microsoft Office and internet access.

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